Thursday, December 23, 2010

Book Challenge Update!

I've picked out some books for the What's in a Name challenge.  I'll review them once I actually read them, but I really wanted to share some of my picks.

For the Evil category I'm going to read the book Soulless by Gail Carriger.

I'm very excited about it.  It mixes some of my favorite fairy creatures with Victorian romance.  I don't normally read steampunk, but it seems like it will have the sensibilities of an Austen novel (a bit darker of course . . . I'm afraid to hope for Jane Eyre sensibilities as its my favorite book of all time).  It also seems like it will indulge in the humor inherent in a Victorian romance and jazz it up to modern standards.  If this is done even a fraction as well as it is in Sorcery and Cecelia or the Enchanted Chocolate Pot I should be very happy with this book.

For the life stage category I've picked out Shade's Children by Garth Nix.
Shade's Children is about a brutal future where 14 year olds are killed to make genetically engineered monsters.  Gold-Eye escapes to fight his fate.  This is pretty straight up sci-fi for me.  I usually stick to fantasy or military sci-fi (no I don't know why).  But, I've been looking for something different and I do like teen fiction.  I also love Garth Nix from his Abhorsen series.  Its a great series I would highly recommend it.

I also have the first book in my Series Challenge, I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett.

This will catch me up on the Tiffany Aching series within the Discworld series.  I'm very excited.  I enjoy the adult discworld books, but the teen series about Tiffany Aching is really fantastic.  It starts with Wee Free Men and I would really recommend giving it a try if you like fantasy and you like laughing. 

Sometime, in the hopefully kind of near future, you will get reviews about these books as I make my way through my challenges.

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