Thursday, November 4, 2010

Attention Please!

I thought it might be nice to post another JDrama I enjoy.  Attention Please! is a sweet comedy (though a kind of girly one).

The plot goes like this tom boy becomes a flight attendant to impress a boy in her rock band who thinks she would look cute in the uniform. Don't worry this plot goes out the window pretty fast and the show is really about a slightly odd tom boy who doesn't really fit anywhere and so never tries at anything.  Eventually she learns that hard work is important and that caring about things is good . . . and she manages to loosen up a few of the other characters.

There is also a romantic subplot, which I found rather disappoint as it remains unresolved as is so often the case in Japanese dramas.  The series is good, the the special is really a waste of time.  I really liked the main actress Ueto Aya and I am kind of disappointed she hasn't been in anything else I'm remotely interested in.  Also, the version of Pretty Woman used for the outro is great!

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